Author: Mo Ibrahim

Mt. Hua

Mt. Hua

Mt. Huashan

If you are up for one of the most strenuous and dangerous hikes on our planet; yet it also offers a taste of the true Chinese culture besides an amazing surrounding nature, then head to Mt. Huashan, or as it is better known Mt. Hua.

Mt. Hua is part of the granite-faced Qin mountains range with deep gorges and lush forests surrounding it, that will owe you with every step you hike up. Not only that, but being one of the five sacred mountain in China adds a cultural reward to this hike as you’ll visit a number of sacred shrines and meet a lot of Chinese Pilgrims! Then there is the danger part!! But I’ve to stress…this is an optional detour…you don’t have to do it if you find it too scary; yet you’ll still enjoy all what this mountain has to offer. So lets start our adventure!

Mt. Hua is located in the city of Huayin in Shaanxi province and can be reached & hiked On Your Own from X’ian on a day trip. To reach the east gate, head to X’ian North train station and take the train (click to request info), from there, take a green minibus for a 2-hour drive to Mt. Hua.

When arriving at the gate, buy your entrance ticket & start your uphill hike right away to the top from where you’ll start the hikes to the different peaks & shrines (click to request map). This is a grueling 6-km hike through Hushan Gorge, although beautiful, it’ll take a lot time and you’ll arrive to the top very tired (remember you have to time your hike to catch the last bus back (click to request info). The other alternative, which I recommend, is to take the cable car up to the lower station…it is a spectacular ride and you still have a lot of strenuous hikes to do a top and hike the gorge down.

Reaching the lower station, the first hike you’ll start is the one to the north peak at +1,561 m. This is a very strenuous 2 km hike as you’ll go up on 3,999 steps of stairs!! which will take approximately 1 hour.

From the north peak, you should be armed with your map & start hiking to the other peaks and shrines. The route I took, and recommend, is a counter-clockwise hike, as follows:

Start by hiking the Golden Lock Pass to the west peak. This is an uphill hike to +2,038 m and it’s the start of the real rewards of this amazing mountain. The first section heads west to the memorial pavilion; from there the trail forks and, of course, you have to take the trail going up. The trail will pass up the heaven’s ladder where you’ll start getting the views of the unique granite-top mountains till you reach the meteorological reception. At the meteorological reception, the Golden Lock Pass starts. This is a location where the Chinese offer prayers to the Gods for their safety & health. In an amazing display, they attach golden locks, as an offering to God, on both sides of the pass using red ribbons. The entire pass is filled with these colorful locks and witnessing the actual action of the offering is a very moving sight. So take your time and show respect as you are in a sacred place!

At the end of the pass, and after another tough 1.5-2 hours hike, you’ll reach the west peak and the first shrine. The views here are magnificent and people praying at the shrine adds a sense of sacredness to this place…at the end, nature & faith are interrelated…I Guess!

From the west peak, most of the uphill will be done by now and the remaining hikes will be relatively easy. So hike to the South peak next at +2,160 m. Throughout this hike, you’ll be surrounded by an unobstructed amazing views, pass smaller shrines, and don’t look done…its scary:) At the south peak, you’ll reach another shrine, the South Gate. This section of the hike should take around 30 minutes.

Next, you’ll start heading downhill to the east peak at +2,100 m, but the daredevil in you will want to do what is coming next:) Walking along this trail, there is a detour to a shrine called Changkang Zhado, but the only way to visit it is by hiking on hanging wooden planks attached on the side of the mountain with nothing below you!! Not only that, but this shrine is at a dead end, so you’ll have to do it twice:) and it’s a two-way traffic so you should maneuver yourself around people! This part of the hike is dangerous, yet doable, at the time of my visit, you had to pay the guy there CNY 30 to access it and he’ll equip you with belts and locks to tie yourself to the fixed ropes along the trail.

You’ll be scared, you’ll take small steps, but after few steps, you’ll get the hang of it and start walking more comfortably. After this unforgettable adventure, let us continue the hike to the east peak…the most sacred of the four peaks, where you’ll reach the chess-play pavilion and another pagoda with incredible views.


Now, unfortunately, it is time to head back after this tough, yet incredible day. Continue the loop to the meteorological reception, then take the trail down to the memorial pavilion.

The final leg of this hike will depend on your time and energy. If you’ve both, then hike down the 6-km gorge trail to the gate. It’s a different type of hike as you’ll be surrounded by towering mountains and will pass by a dozen or so religious shrines. Otherwise, head to the North peak and take the cable car down from there.

Arriving at the gate, you should have timed your arrival with the time of the last bus heading back and you should have bought your bus ticket when entering the mountain. This bus will take you to the train station from which you’ll catch a train back to X’ian North (click to request info).

I know it was a long grueling day, with a lot of tough hikes and a life threatening one, but you are and ADVENTUROUS DAREDEVIL and survived the day…so CHEERS TO U:)

Terracotta Army

Terracotta Army

Terracotta Army

Legend says that emperor Qin believed that he’ll rule another empire in the afterlife so he needed his army buried with him! The result was the magnificent Terracotta Army…8,000 life-sized clay warriors, 130 chariots, 520 horses, and 120 cavalry horses! Each with its OWN unique characteristics resembling the real-life army & placed according to their ranks!! Believe me… YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT TILL YOU SEE IT:)   

The Terracotta army is located close to the city of X’ian in Shaanxi province and you can visit it on your own and on budget…its only one bus ride away:)  

From east square opposite to the train station, you have two bus options that will take you directly to the mausoleum that houses the three pits containing the terracotta warriors (click to request info). The journey takes between 40 minutes to 1 hour and it only costs CNY 20 (2012 prices).

At the mausoleum there are three different pits as well as a museum and you can visit them in any order you like, but I, personally, like to save the best for last and this is Pit “1”. So start your exploration with Pit “2”.

In this pit you’ll get a glimpse of how astonishing these statues are as you’ll find soldiers, generals, and horses.

After Pit “2”, head to Pit “3” which is smaller, yet houses the famous headless army.

Next, head to Shi Huang Mausoleum where you’ll find some of the most well-preserved warriors displayed in a museum like displays.


Now you’ll feel more & more excited after this introduction and craving for more, and knowing that you saved the best for last…you’ll find yourself running towards Pit “1”:) So prepare to be amazed and astonished my fellow explorer, you are about to see one of the most impressive monuments on our planet!

I won’t talk much about this pit and will leave you to explore it, enjoy it, and admire it. But one thing before you embark on this discovery…here you’ll find the Terracotta Army in its full power


Try to view them from every possible angle

& get as close as you can to admire the unique details and characteristic of each soldier.

I’ve to admit, till now, and having visited 44 countries, the Terracotta Army is one of my favorite monuments from all over the world…THEY ARE SIMPLY AMAZING!

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

The Great Wall of China

It is one of the greatest wonders of the World! It’s a symbol of human engineering marvels, strength, and perseverance! That will make you feel humble and leave you in owe…IT IS THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA!

Yet to fully appreciate this ancient wonder and have a sense of how tough it was for the ancient Chinese to build such a massive long structure, you have to explore it in its original state, with its original stones, imbedded in the nature around it, snaking its way over mountains and into valleys. To do so, lets pack your adventurous spirit, head off-the-beaten path and explore the UNRESTORED part of the great wall i.e. the original wall.  

Few people even know that they can access the unrestored part of the great wall of China. No guidebook or a tour company will mention this part…for all of them, visiting the great wall means visiting the restored part in Mutianyu. They will take you in large tour buses, drop you at Mutianyu with hordes of other tourists where you will take a cable car up to the wall, and walk steps of stairs on modern painted stones that have no authenticity at all.  Therefore, to see the wall in its original state, walk it as the ancients did, away from tourists, and fully be in owe of how did the Chinese build this wall, then you need to do it on your own and have your adventurous spirit at full swing:) So follow me in this blog where I’ll show you that it is totally doable on your own and give you hints of how to explore the wall, not just visit it, by going to the unrestored part in Jiankou and walk all the way to Mutianyu.

The first challenge that will face you when planning this adventure is going to Jiankou itself without speaking Mandarin:) The journey from Beijing involves a metro ride + a bus ride + a taxi ride + a strenuous hike! To begin your journey, you’ll take the underground metro to Dongzhiman station and get out from exit “B” (click to request map), from there you’ll walk to the sheltered bus station and try to catch the bus that goes to Huairou Fangshan (click to request info). You’ll ride the express bus all the way till the last stop and get out opposite to Huairou First Hospital. Now you are in real China and have to use all your communication skills, by that I mean sign language:) to explain to a taxi driver that you want to go to Xizhazi village which is a 40 minutes ride from where you are. But be patient as not all taxi drivers will know where this village is, so be armed with your maps and keep trying with different drivers (click to request info). This is not your only challenge, to go to Xizhazi village, but this village is in the valley and the wall is on the top of the mountain and the only way there is to hike up on an unmarked trail and your biggest challenge will be to locate the trailhead! To reach the trailhead, when entering Xizhazi “5” from Xizhazi “1”, there is a stone bridge, so ask the driver to cross it. Then you’ll have to look for a mark on the road to know where to head and this mark is (click to request info). After reaching the mark, ask the driver to turn left then the road will reach a dead end so ask him to drop you there!! Believe me…he’ll be stunned by this request as you’ll be in the middle of nowhere and once he leaves…there will be no way of going back except THE WALL! Even the locals won’t know what you are doing there…but YOU DO! Personally, my driver even refused to drop me there at the beginning because he was worried about me, but after a lot of explaining, he realized I was confident in what I’m doing and let me out:) I admit that you’ll feel a bit scared, especially at the sight when he pulls back and disappears as you’ll find yourself alone and in the middle of nowhere, but the trailhead and the wall are there (click to request info)!

The next challenge is the hike up to the wall. This is a strenuous all uphill hike and, most probably, you’ll be alone on the trail (I only met 1 Chinese hiker on my way up). After a minute of hiking, the trail forks into two and you have to select the right direction to take (click to request info) then continue going up. Slowly, you will start getting the first sights of the wall from behind the forest trees and the adrenaline will start pumping in your veins 

After about 20 minutes, you’ll encounter another fork so keep on the main trail and you’ll gradually start reaching the wall and Zhengbei tower, from which you’ll access the wall.

The entire hike should take you around 40-45 minutes till the base of the wall, but how will you go up to its top?!! This is one of the truly unforgettable experiences that you only find when you get off-the-beaten path! At the tower, there will be a old local man with a wooden ladder to help you up, but…you’ll have to pay him to drop it for you:) He’ll ask for a very small fee that you’ll happily pay, but between you and me, whatever this man will ask for, you’ll pay it because you are tired and, frankly speaking, you have no other option:)

Now it is time to celebrate…you are on the ORIGINAL GREAT WALL OF CHINA and you did it all alone, so lets start the walk.

From the tower, you can either go right or left, but to reach Mutianyu, you have to go (click to request info) and start the 6 hours walk on top of the wall. This walk will be as wild as it gets…there are broken stones, very steep slopes, no stairs, and very few people.

The walk will start flat, then up, then down and at some sections it will be very steep downhill that you’ll literally have to hang on the wall to be able to go down and it is AMAZING!

In some other sections you’ll have to crawl your way up, but with every turn, you’ll be owed by how difficult this terrain is and how did the ancient Chinese manage to build this wall.

Walking along the wall, there will be nothing to obstruct your view…only the stunning wall snaking its way up, down and around mountains so enjoy, appreciate and take lots of pictures:) 

After around 4 hours, you’ll reach the beginning of the restored part…What A Difference!

You’ll feel like a true Chinese conqueror when you start meeting the tour-bus tourists and ask you where are you coming from and see the surprise in their eyes…You’ll feel like a true adventurer…and You Are, and remember you are the only one of them who walked on the original stones of the wall!

The walk of the restored part will be easy with stair steps to negotiate your way on the steep downhills, but still you’ll get very good views.


Finally, to go down Mutianyu village, continue walking till tower “6” because there is still one more fun activity to do instead of taking the cable car! So unleash the child in you and take a toboggan ride down to the village:) Reaching the village, you’ll be greeted by a lively souvenir market, so use all your haggling skills and treat yourself with something to commemorate this adventure.

After you finish your adventure, you’ll be tired and it’ll be late, so I recommend to spend the night in Mutianyu and next day take a direct bus to Beijing (Click to request info)




  • China: Beijing, The Great Wall, Mt. Hua, Terracotta Army, X’ian
  • Hong Kong:  
  • Jordan: Amman, Dead Sea, Petra    
  • Japan: Arima Onsen, Kyoto, Mt. Fuji, Osaka, Tokyo
  • Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek, Karakol, Osh, Lenin Peak    
  • Lebanon: Beirut, Jeita Grotto
  • Mongolia: Chinggis Khaan Statue, Tavan Bogd NP, Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur NP, Ulaanbataar 
  • Oman: Muscat, Jabal Shams, Misfat al Abriyyin, Wadi Tiwi, Wadi Ash Shab, Bandar El-Khiran
  • Pakistan: Islamabad, Lahore
  • Qatar: Doha
  • Saudi Arabia: 
  • Sri Lanka: Mirissa, Pekoe Trail, Gartmore Falls, Kandy, Bathalegala
  • UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai
  • Uzbekistan: Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijon
Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

[Machu Picchu]

This is the ultimate goal of the whole trip and the amazing trek; visiting this sacred city. In order to make your trip as smooth as possible, there are several logistical things that you need to take care off before embarking on this trip.

First is the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu. There are 3 types of tickets you can purchase: 1) the normal visit with access to Machu Picchu only; 2) Access to Machu Picchu & Montana; 3) Access to Machu Picchu & Huaynapicchu. As you can see, all 3 ticket types give you access to the main site itself, the difference is an additional permit to hike up the surrounding mountains for a view of Machu Picchu from top.

So which ticket to choose? Remember you already saw an amazing view of Machu Picchu on your 4th day of the trek, but if you are up for another very strenuous hike for a closer view, then for me, Huaynapicchu is the one to choose (it is the postcard picture you see for Machu Picchu everywhere). However, you have to take into consideration that the Peruvian authorities limit the number of people hiking this mountain and consequently, these tickets are the hardest to get. On the contrary, Montana’s view isn’t that special, yet it’s still a very strenuous hike and for the same price as Huaynapicchu which makes it not worth it for me. To wrap up this issue, if you feel that you want another view of Machu Picchu and are up for a very strenuous hike after 4 days of trekking, then Huaynapicchu is worth the effort; otherwise, take the cheaper normal ticket, you’ll still get some amazing unforgettable views with this ticket.

Next, having decided which ticket you want, now it’s time to buy it and you should do this in advance especially if you are visiting during the high season (May-September). If you know the exact date of your visit and are familiar with the acclimatization process for high elevation, know your body well and exactly how long you’ll need to spend in Cusco to acclimatize (2-3 days), then you can buy your tickets online through the official website (click to request info). If that’s is not the case and you need to test your body’s reaction to high elevation first, then buy the ticket at the ticket office located in Cusco when you arrive (click to request info), and remember to take your passport with you while buying your ticket. Congratulations, you now have your ticket to Machu Picchu, which should look like this.


The final logistical step you need to take care of is how to go from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu. I know the adventurous independent traveler spirit in you will say that you should hike up, but believe me, this is an extremely strenuous hike over endless number of stairs in the forest with no views; and by that time, your body will need a rest after 4 long trekking days. Therefore, I recommend that you take the bus up and hike down on your way back. So, buy a 1-way bus ticket from the ticket office in front on the bus stop in Aguas Calientes (click to request info), it costs $12 and you’ve to pay in cash in US$ and should look like this; and remember to take your passport with you to Machu Picchu as you’ll need it at the entrance.


Now that you reached Machu Picchu and fulfilled your dream of visiting this amazing sacred city, I’ll leave you to wander around and explore it on your own.

Take lots and lots of pictures from different viewpoints and different angles, it’s a truly amazing site with amazing surroundings and you are in one of the most special places on our planet…so enjoy, but don’t leave Machu Picchu before taking your special free souvenir on your way out (click to request info).

Letchworth State Park

Letchworth State Park


One of the hidden gems of upstate New York is Letchworth state park & during the fall season this park becomes at its best. In this park you won’t only find amazing fall colors, but you will also be treated by a combination of nature’s best features: a canyon, nicknamed the Grand Canyon of the east, a lazy river, and roaring waterfalls!

The adventure in this park is different, in nature, as it doesn’t involve strenuous physical activities, but its more about an adventurous drive with scenic overlooks coupled with a number of short hikes to amazing views. So, in this blog post I’ll cover a day trip into this stunning park which will reward you with all what you can crave for; albeit, you can extend your trip here at your leisure as there some longer adventurous hikes with some with the best-located campgrounds in the state (click to request info).

Driving southwest from Syracuse, you will first take I-90, afterwards you will have two options to enter the park: The north & south entrances; depending on which entrance, you will take different driving routes (click to request info); however, if you ask for my recommendation I’ll definitely recommend to enter from the north end and drive the park road all the way to the south end for one simple reason: most of the park’s stunning highlights are at the south end so this way you will save the best for last and whenever you think that you saw it all…you will find more amazing sights ahead till you reach the south entrance.

When you enter from the north entrance, you will be greeted by a glimpse of fall colors, not that spectacular though, then the first overlook will be at Mount Morris Dam. If you are into engineering structures, then this overlook might be of interest to you; otherwise, continue driving.


Following the park road south, you will start driving away from the Genesee river with not much views to admire till you reach Highbanks recreation area. At Highbanks, you will get a glimpse of what this park has to offer, yet you will feel that these views are inaccessible because the road will continue to bend away from the Genesee which will frustrate you.


Driving south all the way to Gardeau, there won’t be much to see and even the drive itself will get a bit boring and you will not even think that there is canyon in this area! But keep driving as it’ll all change soon!

Approaching St. Helena area, the road will become narrower and more winding which will make the drive more adventurous and challenging till you reach the Great Bend area. Now you will, involuntarily, hit the brakes and park at the nearest parking area you will meet as you won’t believe what started to appear next to you! The canyon will get narrower & deeper, the forest thicker, the colors brighter, and the Genesee river meandering its way below you.


From this point onwards you will be in heaven!! The Great Bend itself is a sight to admire, how the river carves its way through massive rock cliffs & the force behind the rushing water are ones of nature’s miracles and if the sun is out that day, the reflection of the light on the tree leaves will offer a spectacular display of fall colors.

Starting at the Great Bend, the real adventure begins and, depending on your time, you can either start hiking the 7-mile gorge trail all the way to the south entrance, or combine driving & hiking by continuing your way south and joining the trail for short hikes at your leisure and back to your car for more driving (click to request info). Recommending the latter option, as the drive itself isn’t to be missed, continue your south route and after the Castile entrance you will start getting the views of the lower falls and feel the mist coming from them on your face!


Now you don’t have to follow specific trails or itineraries as you will be overwhelmed by all the beauty surrounding you and want to do it all!! So, set yourself free…drive, hike, play, admire, and take pictures, but always remember that you entered from the north entrance & still the best is to come:)

Whether you decided to drive or hike, ditch your car when your reach “Inspiration Point” lookout as from here the hike will be truly inspirational! At this lookout, you will stand face-to-face with the highest falls in the park: the “Middle Falls” with the mist in your face, you will get wet:) and if you were lucky, like me, a rainbow will come out from the bottom of the falls!


You will spend here much more time than you planned…I know that:) so be it…you can only see this once! Continue hiking the gorge trail as well as its tributaries to get closer to the falls till you reach the upper falls where you will find a railroad bridge above.


These falls are less spectacular, yet looking back at the middle falls will give you another perspective of this amazing SP.


I’m sure you won’t want to get out of the park till it is dark, and you shouldn’t! Enjoy every bit of sunlight here because as the sun comes down the colors change, and you want to take more & more pictures. When you are ready to leave, and depending on your destination, you can either head back to the north entrance or go out through the south one…so enjoy & have a safe trip!

The Adirondacks

The Adirondacks

Black Mountain Summit Hike

Upstate New York, and new England in general, are famous for their fall colors spectacle every year, so there is no better time to visit this part of the world than during the fall season, which runs roughly from late September to mid-November, depending on the location. One of these famed places is the Adirondacks. Of course, this place is huge and can’t be covered in one blog post, so this post will be about one particularly amazing area…”The Black Mountain”! This post will offer you an insight into a true adventurous hike that will culminate in the ultimate reward of a magnificent display of fall colors…so lets begin!

The black mountain is in the area of the amazing lake George where you will be treated with views of the fall colors nestled in them a 32-mile crystal blue lake. What makes this mountain special is that it’s the highest mountain on lake George and is located on its east side, which is a wilderness area. In order to reach the Black Mountain summit, you will hike 5.6 miles uphill, gaining around +2,400ft, and head back, although it is tough to resist the idea of spending the rest of your life up there:), in a loop from the more challenging west side which makes it a total of a 10-mile hike. So, as agreed before, armed with the three essentials of any trip in the US…lets discover this rewarding hike!

Coming from the direction of Albany, the nearest town to the trailhead is Glens Falls, NY, and since the mountain is on the east side of the lake, you will continue driving to the small town of Whitehall from where you will continue to the trailhead; but since the aim of this blog is to “plan it your way”, I’ll not offer the exact directions to the trailhead here leaving it for you to discover, yet I’m always available to offer help, if needed (click to request info).

Starting to drive north from Albany, you will be treated by an amazing display of fall colors all around you, and once you are off the interstate, you will be immersed in them while driving on the small rural roads.


Starting the hike from the parking lot, you will start an uphill climb through the forest surrounded by amazing colors and fallen leaves of red, yellow, orange & brown that will take your breath away and, without knowing, the kid in you will make it irresistible for you not to start playing and dancing with these leaves:) so take your time and rejoice…it’s a happy environment coupled with the excitement of the adventure.


After the initial euphoria settles, now it is time to refocus on the uphill hike ahead. The hike will get tougher but you & me know that what is waiting ahead is well worth it…so keep going.

After 1:30-2 hours the forest will start giving way to the rocky top of the Black Mountain and you will head above the treeline…so embrace yourself:)

Reaching the top is an achievement in itself as it is not an easy hike, but the panoramic view around you is a masterpiece of beauty and, believe me, words can’t describe the views, but seeing the vast Adirondack forest covered with all sorts of colors and nestled in it a finger-like lake with crystal blue water is something out of this world.

You made it! and you will not want to go down soon, so have your picnic, rest, take zillions of pictures, immerse your soul in this serene peaceful stunning environment, and…Dream!!


When & “if” you decide to go back, don’t go back the same way, there is still a lot of beauty waiting for you, so make a loop from the west side as it will also make the descend very adventurous (click to request info).

The first thing you will see on your way back is one of the few remaining fire towers in the Adirondacks, then you will start heading down. The first mile down is very steep, so be careful with your footing because you will get closer to lake George and the views will continue to blow your mind away.


As the trail gets flatter, you will reach a junction after a mile which leads to two different destinations; either the shore of lake George or to your way back, with no signs pointing which way!!, hence, you will have to use your navigation skills to know which trail to take (click to request info).

When you continue heading back, you will pass by the Black Mountain and Lapland ponds hidden inside the thick forest and surrounded by colors all around you.


After the ponds, the trail will get more & more tricky to follow for the next mile and most probably you will be alone, so utilize all your navigation skills, pay careful attention to your surroundings, know how to retrace your steps back to the top in case you got lost, keep your composure, and believe in yourself as eventually you will find signs directing you. Once you reach the sign, it will be easy to get back to your parking lot as now you will rejoin the original trail you hiked up and you will start singing & celebrating all the way to your car:)


N.B.: This is a blog post about only the Black Mountain summit hike & back; however, if you seek a multi-day hike, this trail can be combined with other trails in the area.



Whether you consider it a country or a continent, the USA has it all!! It’s a vast place with extremely spectacular and wild nature; in addition to their famed national parks system, so if you want to unleash your wild spirit, for me, there is no other place on earth better than this amazing country.

Whether your thing is mountains, canyons, lakes, beaches, desert, forest, or weird natural sites…you will it here. From the Grand Canyon to the delicate Arch…the Rockies to the Appalachians…the Florida Keys to the rugged West Coast…the incredible Yellowstone to the famed Yosemite…the Redwoods to the Sequoias…the Badlands to the Tetons, you will be awed by what nature can offer and will never regret the effort you did to reach these places.

What is great about the adventures in the USA is that they are completely independent & you feel like free-spirited true explorer. Forget about the big cities like: New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, or Miami; yes, they still have their charm, but it’s the national parks and the wilderness system in this country that will captivate your soul and unleash the true adventurer in you. Everything here is designed for the free adventurous spirit, they will tell you how to explore and the risks you might face; then follow this by “you are on your own” statement! which will rush the adrenaline in your blood.

However, any adventure in the USA is not complete without driving & driving on long, rural roads to nowhere which will take you to places you won’t believe they exist or a man can explore!

So enough about introducing one of the most amazing places on the planet; and armed with a free road map (click to request info), GPS doesn’t work in the wilderness:), gas in your car, and your free independent spirit…let us start our adventure in this wild place!


  • Alabama: Desoto SP, Little River Canyon SP, Lookout Mountain Parkway
  • Alaska: Exit Glacier, Denali NP, Wrangell St. Elias NP 
  • Arizona: Coyote Buttes North Wilderness Area (The Wave), Grand Canyon NP, Glen Canyon NRA (Horseshoe Bend), Picacho Peak SP, Sedona, Sunset Crater NM     
  • California: Death Valley NP, Joshua Tree NP, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Redwoods NP & SP Sequoia & Kings Canyon NP, Yosemite NP  
  • Connecticut: Mt. Frissell
  • Colorado: Aspen, Great Sand Dunes NP, Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP, Devil’s Causeway, Flat Tops Wilderness Area, Garden of Gods SP, Rocky Mountain NP
  • District of Columbia: Washington D.C.
  • Florida: Big Cypress National Preserve, Bill Baggs SP, Everglades NP, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Oleta River SP, Sanibal Island, The Keys
  • Georgia: Savannah 
  • Idaho: Goldbug Hot Springs, Idaho Falls
  • Illinois: Chicago, Starved Rock SP
  • Kentucky: Mammoth Cave NP
  • Louisiana: New Orleans
  • Maine: Acadia NP
  • Maryland: Annapolis Rock, Catoctin Mountain Park
  • Massachusetts: Boston 
  • Missouri: St. Louis
  • Montana: Yellowstone NP, Glacier NP
  • Nevada: Las Vegas, Valley of Fire SP
  • New Hampshire: White Mountain, Monadnock SP
  • New Jersey: Atlantic City, Union City
  • New Mexico: Bandelier National Monument, Bisti Badlands Wilderness Area, Columbine-Hondo Wilderness, Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, Santa Fe NF, Taos, Wild Rivers National Recreation Area
  • New York: The Adirondacks, Letchworth SP, Niagra Falls, New York City
  • North Carolina: Great Smoky Mountain NP, Blue Ridge Parkway
  • Ohio: Cincinnati
  • Oregon: Redwoods NP & SP*
  • Pennsylvania: Philadelphia
  • Rhode Island: Providence, Newport
  • South Carolina: Charelston
  • South Dakota: Badlands NP, Custer SP, Mount Rushmore NM
  • Tennessee: Great Smoky Mountain NP, Blue Ridge Parkway
  • Texas: Houston, Galveston
  • Utah: Arches NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Capitol Reef NP, Cedar Breaks NM, Glen Canyon NRA (Horseshoe Bend), Coyote Buttes North Wilderness Area (The Wave), Zion Canyon NP, Bonneville Salt Flats
  • Vermont: Bald Mountain, Lye Brook Falls
  • Virginia: Shenandoah NP, McAfee Knob, Dragon Tooth, The Channels Natural Area Preserve
  • West Virginia: New River Gorge NP, Seneca Rocks
  • Washington State: North Cascades NP, Mount Rainier NP, Seattle
  • Wisconsin: Milwaukee
  • Wyoming: Grand Teton NP, Yellowstone NP 
Salkantay Trail (Day 5)

Salkantay Trail (Day 5)

[The Way Back]

Getting out of Aguas Calientes & Machu Picchu on your own can be a bit tricky, yet, with some careful planning, it’s totally doable. You’ve two gateway cities that you need to reach to continue your adventure: Cusco or Ollantaytambo; and depending on your destination, you can either leave on the same day you visited Machu Picchu or spend one extra night in Aguas Calientes and leave the next day. If your destination is Ollantaytambo, then you’ve to spend the extra night as it’s a long hike from Aguas Calientes and you can’t reach it in the same day. So here are the tips you can use on how to reach each gateway city on your own; however, in both cases you’ll skip the bus option back from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes to save few dollars and hike down on your own using the stairs constructed by the Inca people in the forest which will take you around an hour:

  • Cusco: If you are heading to Cusco, then you’ll have to hike your way back to Hidroelectrica using the same train tracks trail you used to reach Aguas Calientes; you’ll be against the normal flow of people which is a bit worrying and you’ll know why later.


From Hidroelectrica, you’ll have to take transport to Cusco, which is very far away and over a dangerous mountain road, and it will take you a good 6 hours to reach Cusco. Also, beware that there is no regular bus stop here and this route isn’t commonly used by tourists, so you’ll have to strike a deal with a driver to take you there, which can be expensive, or go to Santa Teresa and find your transport from there. One final hint, since Hidroelectrica is just a place that evolves around the train station, it becomes deserted after the last train of the day (click to request info) and no one will be there to help you which means you’ll get stuck in the middle of nowhere!

  • Olantaytambo: This is the more recommended and straight-forward option. You spend the night in Aguas Calientes and the next morning you wake up at leisure and hike down to Olantaytambo along the train tracks, but on the opposite direction from which you came from. This hike is an easy hike along the forest and train tracks, but long enough to take around 7-8 hours. Having reached Olantaytambo, you can now relax, check out the ruins there and plan your next adventure…IT IS ADDICTIVE:)


Salkantay Trail (Day 4)

Salkantay Trail (Day 4)

[Llactapata → Aguas Calientes]

This is it, this is the day when you’ll be able to tell your friends that “I reached the holy cities of Aguas Calientes & Machu Picchu from Cusco trekking on my own.” It’ll be a beautiful hiking day full of achievements and self-reflection on your great adventure.

You’ll start the day waking up at the ancient site of Llactapata and from there you’ll have a magnificent view of the crown jewel…”Machu Picchu itself”, that few other people see or even realize that it exists…and it’s a free view! Take as much time as you want to admire this view and soak in all the feelings of humbleness, achievement, conquering, nomadic, back-in-time…and lots more as every person will have his/her unique reflections at that moment, while immersed in the perfect blend between the beauty of our planet and the genius of the mankind. I know it’ll be a tough decision to leave this view and hike down, but, at the same time, remember that your ultimate prize for all this effort is awaiting for you.

It’ll take approximately 2 hours of hiking down to reach Hidroelectrica as you’ll descend 900 meters while the adrenaline is rushing through your veins while you get closer and closer to Aguas Calientes. The hike is pleasant and easy and at Hidroelectrica you’ll meet a wide array of fellow travelers: those who, unfortunately, didn’t know that they can do what you did and are taking the train; those who used guides to get them to this point; and those like you…the adventurous self-believers!

Hidroelectrica is not a town, its actually, as the name suggests, a place where there is an electrical power plant and a train station that goes to Aguas Calientes and Ollantaytambo. You’ll be asked to register your name and passport here as it is considered the boundaries of the sacred city, which is an easy, self-done process. From here you’ll hike along the train tracks all the way to Aguas Calientes. Although officially illegal, it was the ancient path to reach Aguas Calientes and the authorities disregard this rule and allow people to hike. Of course, it can be dangerous as trains pass by, but the drivers know that people are hiking and give plenty of warnings.


The hike is a slight uphill, but you won’t feel it; on the contrary, you’ll get the feeling that you are in a pilgrimage to reach the holy city. People from all walks of life, from different nationalities, different backgrounds, different attitudes, and different beliefs; yet all are uniting for one single goal…reaching the historic city of Aguas Calientes as our ancestors used to do in ancient times. Enjoy the hike, get to know your fellow travelers, share stories and tips, and reflect on your adventures.

You are finally there!! the feeling of reaching Aguas Calientes can’t be described in words…in addition to the anticipation of a hot shower:). The train tracks cut through the town and you’ll find lots of restaurants, souvenir shops, and hotels that cater for tourists, yet you can still find the local ones and have the amazing local experience away from all this (click to request info).

You did it fellow adventurer, and tomorrow you’ll be in Machu Picchu where flocks of tourists will be there too, but you’ll know that YOU ARE DIFFERENT.

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