Arches NP (All Other Arches)
After marveling at the Delicate Arch, which is undoubtedly the highlight of this NP, it’s time to venture off-the-beaten-path and explore the other arches in this NP…which are A LOT!! Although nothing in this world will be as spectacular as the Delicate Arch, each of the other arches in this NP has its unique character. From the weirdly-shaped to the massive to the small to the ones with multiple openings, they come in all shapes and sizes:) The vast majority of the accessible arches can be found around mainly three hiking loops: the Devil’s Garden, the Devil’s Garden Camp, and the Windows Section (click to request map); so, to optimize your time, its best to do one loop, finish all the arches there and then head to the other… so lets start exploring each one of them.
The highest number of arches lie along the Devil’s Garden loop and through this 8.1mi loop, you’ll see all the shapes of arches that you can imagine:) The trail, in general, is easy and the first part is a short two-way portion (you’ll start and finish here) in which you’ll encounter your first two arches: the Tunnel and Pine Tree Arches at 0.4mi and 0.5mi, respectively.

After around 1 mile, the loop starts and although you can do it both clockwise and anticlockwise, I prefer the latter as this way you’ll see the majority of the arches at the beginning and get your arches fix early:) and also I was late so wanted to see the majority of the arches before it gets dark.
Starting anticlockwise and after 1.6 miles you’ll meet the Landscape Arch. This is one of the most intriguing arches in the entire NP as it has a very thin rock layer at the top of the arch that you think to yourself, how come this part is not broken!! and you’ll be amazed at how this arch stands free like this.

After marveling at this arch and at the 2mi mark, it’s time for Partition Arch which gets its name from the 2 separate openings that it has next to each other…intriguing huh!

Right next to Partition Arch is the Navajo Arch, which isn’t so spectacular, to be honest, but it’s one more arch off the list:)

Next comes the highlight of this loop…the Double’O’Arch! In my opinion, this is the most spectacular arch in the park after the Delicate Arch and you’ll know why from its name:) This arch has 2 perfect “O” shaped openings that will leave you dazzled, so admire and enjoy:)

Lastly, after 3 miles, there will be a small detour that will take you to Private Arch, which is a little arch in the middle of nowhere.

This is the last arch on this loop, the rest of the trail will provide you with some amazing panoramic views of the surrounding country.
The next hiking loop starts at the Devil’s Garden Camp. This is a short loop that will allow you to see three unique arches: the Skyline Arch, the Broken Arch, and the Sand Dune Arch. The most spectacular of these three arches is the Broken Arch with its amazing two curves that are connected together at the middle of the arch’s opening.

Also, through this loop, you’ll see the Skyline Arch which is another perfectly carved opening in the rocks!

At that time it was getting dark and as I was on a mission to see all accessible arches in this park, I took off to the next loop…the Windows Section. This loop doesn’t involve much hiking, but it’ll allow you to see a couple of spectacular arches. It was getting dark on me so I decided to start with the highlight of this loop…the Double Arch, and I’ve to say…It is Special!! As the name suggests, it consists of two perfectly carved arches connected together in a meticulous way. Shame it was almost dark and the pics aren’t that clear.

At that point, it was almost dark and I had to drive back to the park’s entrance and was pretty disappointed as I didn’t get the chance to see the last three arches on the list! So guess what?? I returned the next day to complete my mission:) and I’m glad I did as the Turret Arch is another special one in this amazing NP. This arch has it all, a large opening, a small opening, a chimney, and it stands alone in the vast desert:)

The last two arches are not as spectacular (the North and South Windows), but they are still perfectly carved openings.

All in all, I saw 14 different arches in this park (not counting the Delicate Arch) and each is unique in its own way. Another amazing aspect of exploring this park is that it almost feels like a game by hopping from one arch to another and fulfill your adventurous spirit by seeing all arches that are on offer:)